Local News 12/13/18


A five year old boy was struck and killed by a vehicle in Columbia County yesterday morning while crossing the roadway to his school bus.  The child, identified by the Columbia County Coroner’s office as Silas Hunsinger was crossing Rohrsburg Road in Greenwood Township just outside of Millville to get to his bus stop when he was struck by a pick up truck driven by 71 year old Gary Derrick of Orangeville.  .  The boy died at the scene. There was an adult with him.  The bus was not at the stop yet.  State Police in Bloomsburg say they are investigating and are not saying if any charges will be filed against Derrick.


Emergency responders were dispatched out in Muncy Creek Township last evening for a reported Bear attack.  That incident happened in the 1000 block of Peach Orchard Road around 7pm and one person was said to have been taken to the hospital, their name and condition not released.  WNEP-TV 16 reports that the Pennsylvania Game Commission was called in and is investigating.  A bear trap was reportedly set up along Peach Orchard Road and not other details are currently available regarding that incident.


State Senator Gene Yaw took local, municipal and state official on a tour yesterday of flood affected areas in the Wallis Run area in Gamble Township in Lycoming County as well as along Route 87. During the tour, areas that have been struck by flood waters, ripping up roads and causing property damage were pointed out.  Yaw is calling for more regular maintenance and stream cleaning of waterways saying that trees and other debris are damming up the streams contributing to them spilling over the banks and onto roadways causing damage.  As the tour went on, Yaw did say he is not sure where to start with the stream cleaning and as to who should be in charge of it.


Williamsport City Council will meet tonight and is expected to pass a proposed $27.2 million dollar budget for 2019, but not before the possibility of readjusting the tax millage and making some more cuts.  Council members are concerned about a city reserve reported at only $12,000 dollars with officials saying that reserve should be around a have million dollars.  City taxpayers already face a .75 mills tax increase for next year, and 7 city jobs will be cut through attrition and retirements.  They are four on the police force, 2 in codes and an assistant general manager of streets and parks position.  Council is looking at a couple of places where they may cut into the budget.


Residents along the Loyalsock Creek and in the Plunketts Creek Township vicinity turned out at the Plunketts Creek Township Fire Hall last night to hear from officials with Pennsylvania General Energy Company regarding a pipeline project in that area.  The pipeline would be a water pipeline which would provide water for gas well pads there and would include a pump station and natural gas gathering line.  Officials say the pipeline would reduce the traffic from trucks which now deliver the water to the gas pads there.  They say that plans are just in the initial stages and more meeting will be held in the future.


For the second year in a row, the city of Sunbury will not have a New Year’s Eve Celebration.  The annual Countdown in the Downtown put on by Sunbury Revitalization Incorporated began at Fourth and Market Streets in Sunbury and 2012 and ran up until last year when it was cancelled due to the lack of support and volunteers.  IN the past the event had music, a VIP tent and the lighting of a large light bulb at midnight, drawing hundreds of people to the downtown area.  Officials with Sunbury Revitalization say they would like to bring back the celebration in the future but need volunteers and business participation to make that happen.


Parking in Downtown Williamsport will not cost any more next year.  The Williamsport Parking Authority confirmed during their meeting yesterday that there will be no rate hike.  They do say that there will be new meters installed in the downtown area following an agreement with the company providing those meters which will take care of the software and hardware maintenance.  The agreement allows the authority to have direct contact with the seller in case of a failure of the system, which would not require payment until things are fixed.


Delays are expected today on the Veterans Memorial Bridge, Route 61 into and out of Sunbury.  Crews are removing flood debris from several piers on the bridge today and will close the right driving lane of Route 61 northbound from approximately 9am to 2pm.  There will also be periodic stoppages in both lanes northbound during that work.  Motorists are asked to plan additional time for their travels, be alert and drive with caution through that workzone there today.


A Water Boil advisory which was put into effect for some customers of the Crawford Township Authority has been lifted.  The advisory was instituted due to a water main leak and subsequent repairs and affected customers who lived north of 2999 Rauchtown Road into the Limestone Township, Middle Road area.  Officials say they had to wait until the water was tested and the results returned deeming the water safe for drinking, and have received the all clear.

Local News 12/12/18


Montgomery Borough Council last night said yes to a 2019 budget which will contain a tax increase for borough property owners. The spending plan is for a little more than $677,000 dollars and contains increases of about $40,000 for the upcoming year due to what borough officials are calling increases in the cost of doing business. The tax increase will be for .25 mills which will mean that owners of properties worth $100,000 dollars will see their tax bills rise by $25 next year.  The increase will bring in a little more than $695,000 dollars allowing Montgomery to end up the year with a little more than $13,000 dollars surplus.


That crash in the city of Williamsport involving a car and bus has resulted in the death of a city man.  Just before 6am, police say that 49 year old Ronald Levine of Williamsport was heading southbound on Maynard Street when he went into the West Third Street intersection colliding with an eastbound city bus operated by 63 year old Robert Kock of Williamsport.  Levine’s car then went up on a curb, struck a pedestrian signal pole and then crashed into the front of the former Jackie’s Kitchen building.  He was pronounced dead at the scene. Koch was treated for minor injuries. There was no one else on the bus and the crash investigation continues.


There could be some possible delays on a section of Route 147 in Northumberland County today.  Flood debris removal continues today from bridge piers on Route 147 northbound between Packer Island and the borough of Northumberland.  There will be daylight lane restrictions with possible delays and motorists are advised to keep an eye out for the work and drive carefully through the work zone there.


The Williamsport City Council finance Committee found out yesterday that there is a hold up regarding the proposed sales of two pump stations from the city to the Williamsport Municipal Water and Sanitary Authority. The pump stations, which were thought to be city owned and are operated by the authority at a cost of $80,000 dollars a year are actually owned by the Army Corps of engineers. The city was hoping to get a million dollars for the sale, and city officials say they need to iron out the ownership details before the sale can take place.


Several Lycoming County residents, most of them from Eastern Lycoming County gave Lycoming County Commissioners an earful during their meeting yesterday following a change in who commissioners appointed to the County Planning Authority last month.  Linda Sosniak who lost her bid to unseat Garth Everett as a state representative in November had been recommended for appointment to the authority, but instead, commissioners appointed Joseph Reighard, a Gamble Township Supervisor.  Those present called the appointment arbitrary.  Following the public comment, Commissioner Rick Mirabito motioned that Reighard be removed and Sosniak appointed, but that motion died for lack of a second.


State police in Selinsgrove are investigating an incident of fraud of which a Freeburg man is out $3,700 dollars.  Police were called on December 4th by the unidentified 54 year old man who was called and told that a refund needed to be made involving Google Play cards.  The person then spent the money in Google Play Cards to pay that unknown person back.  He then called police and reported the fraud.  The investigation continues.


Taxpayers in the city of Sunbury will see their property tax rates remain the same for 2019.  Sunbury Council has approved the second draft of a spending plan for next year for $4.6 million dollars and say they will not have to institute a tax increase though they say money is once again tight this year.   The budget will provide enough money to hire five city police officers as well as for payment of a $250,000 dollars tax anticipation note which the city had taken out earlier this year to pay some expenses.


A Lock Haven businessman and Philanthropist is another step closer to seeing his vision for recreation in the city of Williamsport come to fruition.  The city council finance committee yesterday gave a positive recommendation for the city to accept a legacy fund of $238,675 dollars from Steven Poorman for the city recreation dcpartment.  Some of the funds would be used immediately to construct pavilions at Splash Cove and Brandon Park especially designed to help keep children who are participating in summer camps cool.  Poorman is hoping his donation spurs others on to do the same thing.

Tom Kent’s Classic Hits Countdown

Tom Kent’s Classic Hits Countdown

Growing up, I use to love to listen to Casey’s countdowns on the radio. He was and is the “king of the countdown”. With my passion for the countdown show, I set forth to create a show that would be very different from Casey’s countdowns. “The Classic Hits Countdown” doesn’t target a specific time period or era but rather locks in on a different theme each week. For instance, we might be going into the Summer and decide to countdown the 40 biggest Summer songs. Another example might be the first of the year right after New Year’s Day, we might countdown the 40 biggest “first hits” of an artist or group. Just like all of our shows, the theme will be fun and personality driven as we countdown from number 40 to number FUN!

Rewind with Gary Bryan

Rewind with Gary Bryan

The best classic hits are on ‘REWIND’ with Gary Bryan. Cool features, trivia, tidbits and the greatest hits of all time Saturday morning at 6am!

Local News 12/11/18


A Renovo woman is in Clinton County Correctional Facility facing multiple drug counts following a bust in Renovo on Friday.  Police there pulled over a vehicle driven by 55 year old Dawn Cole for traffic violations and found 70 grams of crack cocaine, 53 grams of marijuana, drug paraphernalia, a loaded handgun and cash.  The drugs reportedly had a street value of about $8,000 dollars. She has been charged with possession with intent to deliver as well as several other counts and was jailed in lieu of $250,000 bail.


Property owners in the borough of Jersey Shore will not see their municipal property taxes rise in 2019.  Borough Council in Jersey Shore passed a general fund budget last night which will sit at a little more than $1.6 million dollars for next year.  Despite a rise in police costs as well as in health care, borough officials say the budget is balanced an will hold the line on taxes with a rate of 7.966 mills.  The borough’s liquid fuels budget sits at a little more than $140,000 dollars and borough swimming pool costs are set at just over $65,000 for next year.


In a continuing effort to assist in saving lives before medical personnel can arrive, UPMC Susquehanna has provided Stop The Bleed Kits to Williamsport Area School District schools.  In all 17 kits containing 8 individual kits have been provided and will be placed in each of the district’s schools.  The kits will enable faculty and staff members to become better equipped to handle major injuries in classrooms and other sections of the schools.  An additional 8 kits were donated for the schools through a contribution from several natural gas companies.


With the announced retirement of South Williamsport’s police chief, Borough Council last night celebrated the retirement of another member of the force.  South Side K-9 dog Danny will no longer be on the job after 8 years of service to the borough. The 9 year old German Shepherd handled by officer Devin Thompson has been credited with helping seize some $300,000 dollars worth of narcotics as well as cash and weapons and also for assisting in numerous arrests and prosecutions during his time on the force.  He will continue to live with the Thompsons in retirement.


Officials have identified the family displaced by a fire which occurred outside of Turbotville on Sunday.  Fire struck at the 2 ½ story home owned by Eric and Lisa Harrison along Old State Road in Lewis Township around 10:45 on Sunday morning, extensively damaging a 1 ½ story addition there.  Firefighters from White Deer Township, Milton, Turbot Township Washingtonville and Lewisburg responded to the scene and spent about 2 ½ hours there.  The Harrisons and their three children are said to be at least temporarily displaced from the home.  A faulty chimney flue is said to be the cause.  A damage estimate has not been released.


Officials in the city of Williamsport say they continue to look into any possible cuts into the city budget for 2019 which stands at $27.2 million dollars and contains a tax increase of .75 mills.  With the city’s reserve fund sitting at just $12,000 dollars Council is looking into cutting where they can and officials with the city say they will look at the possible reduction in funding for contracted services.  That includes consulting firms the city is using for various services.    The budget already contains the elimination of seven positions through retirement and attrition including four police officers.


The Lycoming County DUI Task Force and Team DUI says they are ready for the holiday season.  The Task Force will be conducting DUI enforcement now through the end of the year during a Holiday Impaired Driving Campaign.  Operation Safe Holiday will last through to the beginning of the new year and plcie will be actively seeking out impaired as well as aggressive drivers to make the highways safe for everyone.  All motor vehicle occupants are also reminded to buckle up.


Saying that the energy he expends as County Commissioner is taking away from other aspects of his life, a Northumberland County Commissioner has decided not to run for a third term. Rich Shoch announced yesterday that he has decided not to run for re-election.  Shoch says he is proud of the work he has done for the county during his two terms, especially over the last four years with Commissioner Sam Schiccatano, but says that another reason he is not running is the ongoing political nonsense within the county.

Kelly E

Kelly E


You must be bored if you’re reading my bio! Hahaha….

You probably already know a lot about me, as I share stories about my family and adventures with you every day. I love sharing life stories with you and I love hearing yours! I’m always up for chatting with our listeners on the phone or messaging on Facebook.

A little about me…..

I was born and raised right here in Williamsport PA.; I love this little town! Life is looking a little different these days,  I’m now an empty nester! Hard to believe all my boys are out of the house. WHEW! But….do they ever really leave? Hahaha.  I’m definitely looking forward to spending a lot more time with my 4 grand children. It’s so much fun spoiling them and sending them home!  I am married to my best friend and have acquired a few new hobbies when I married him, such as; camping, fishing, and archery. I also enjoy gardening, yard sales, cooking. (and eating)

I have been in radio for a loooong time and there is nothing else I’d rather be doing. God continues to bless me daily and I can’t wait to see what the future holds.

Thanks for listening and sharing part of your day with us! We love our listeners, and we’re excited give you more chances to win some awesome prizes. Keep listening for your chance to win on Classic Hits 93 3, where all of our listeners come from right here in the Susquehanna Valley!

God bless! Thanks for stopping by!

Keith Kitchen

Keith Kitchen

In 1882, Chester A. Arthur was President of The United States, Jesse James was shot by Robert Ford, Thomas Edison threw the switch on the first commercial power plant in the U.S., the Great Comet of 1882 lit up the sky and Keith Kitchen was born on July 4th.

Writing in his autobiography “Did I REALLY Do This?”, Keith says he served on the bridge of the battleship U.S.S. Texas during the Spanish-American War, then went ashore with Teddy Roosevelt and his Rough Riders to storm San Juan Hill.  During World War I he served as the executive officer of the destroyer U.S.S. Clemson and spoke before Congress on why we needed more battleships for the navy.

During the 1920’s he ran a Speakeasy in Newark, New Jersey before heading to Europe to spend the rest of Prohibition in Paris.

During World War II, Keith advised President Roosevelt on the necessity of having more aircraft carriers and then worked at selling War Bonds.

When the 1950’s arrived, he was touring in Hank Williams’ band and was at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville when Elvis performed there.  Later that decade, he worked at Columbia Records, training under Mitch Miller.

He made a total nuisance of himself speaking at anti-war rallies during the Vietnam Conflict, supporting the troops but not the war and spent several years in Europe before returning to the U.S. in time to attend the Woodstock Festival in New York.

Reports that place Keith on top of the Apple offices in London during The Beatle’s rooftop concert and at Graceland just before Elvis’ passing are simply not true.

Keith settled down in the mid-1980’s, getting married and raising three children.

The children have now grown up and have moved on and Keith and his wife Jeanette are still together.

Keith has been with Backyard Broadcasting since 2002 and has been with WBZD since 2004, first hosting the mid-day show and now the evening show, as well as presented “Lost Jewelry” and both the daily “Files of The Strange & Deranged” episodes and the weekly podcast.
